In Memorium
James (Jamie) Montgomery
Proud moment for Jamie as flag-bearer for New Zealand and his own student Deja Finn at the World Wushu Championships in Toronto Canada October 2009. A caring friend, loving husband and devoted father, Jamie was also a true ambassador for wushu in New Zealand and abroad. We all miss you Jamie.
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Written by Jame's wife Rochelle Montgomery
James passed away peacefully on 19th July 2011. He was diagnosed with Medulory Carcinoma in 1991, but he did not let it stop him from living life to the full. The doctors at Oncology gave him 5-10 years then but he ignored that and just kept going. He did have surgery twice and we always followed that up with natural therapies. His biggest concerns were to live to see his boys grown up to be men. He got that and they are good men, because of his wonderful example. He had it all, Honesty, Loyalty, Humility, along with love and acceptance for all. He was so focused on providing for us with whatever time he could get.
I have many reasons to be thankful. I count my lucky stars everyday for the 35 totally awesome years we have had and our gorgeous sons. He lived his Dreams. Sometimes he would go to hospital for a few days, but he would bounce back to get on with more dreams. Creating them in the real world. Making things happen. So it was easy for us, not to notice his health was failing, he was living every day to the max.....
As his body got weaker his spirit grew stronger. We have had a few months at home together, which has been a time of refection. He was an inspiration to all who knew of his illnes, as he pushed on with his life. Wu Shu gave him so much strength on a spiritual level. Something I will never forget. He wanted to be in his home to the end and I did everything possible to make that happen. He was in great peace at home with his family. We are all just taking things slowly, moment to moment. Living in the present and getting things done a bit at a time. If you could take care of the Wu Shu side of the family that would be much appreciated. He met some amazing people out there in the world and I would not have a clue where to start with that. I would be very grateful for that.
James passed away peacefully on 19th July 2011. He was diagnosed with Medulory Carcinoma in 1991, but he did not let it stop him from living life to the full. The doctors at Oncology gave him 5-10 years then but he ignored that and just kept going. He did have surgery twice and we always followed that up with natural therapies. His biggest concerns were to live to see his boys grown up to be men. He got that and they are good men, because of his wonderful example. He had it all, Honesty, Loyalty, Humility, along with love and acceptance for all. He was so focused on providing for us with whatever time he could get.
I have many reasons to be thankful. I count my lucky stars everyday for the 35 totally awesome years we have had and our gorgeous sons. He lived his Dreams. Sometimes he would go to hospital for a few days, but he would bounce back to get on with more dreams. Creating them in the real world. Making things happen. So it was easy for us, not to notice his health was failing, he was living every day to the max.....
As his body got weaker his spirit grew stronger. We have had a few months at home together, which has been a time of refection. He was an inspiration to all who knew of his illnes, as he pushed on with his life. Wu Shu gave him so much strength on a spiritual level. Something I will never forget. He wanted to be in his home to the end and I did everything possible to make that happen. He was in great peace at home with his family. We are all just taking things slowly, moment to moment. Living in the present and getting things done a bit at a time. If you could take care of the Wu Shu side of the family that would be much appreciated. He met some amazing people out there in the world and I would not have a clue where to start with that. I would be very grateful for that.